* ADCHAT: /adchat message
Sends a message to all Admins.
* ADDMOTD: /addmotd message
Will add the given text to the end of the Motd.
* ADDOMOTD: /addomotd message
Will add the given text to the end of the OperMotd.
* CHATOPS: /chatops message
GLOBOPS is usually reserved for important network information. Therefore, for Oper Chat,CHATOPS was invented. IRCOps with the +c flag enabled will be able to send/receive CHATOPS messages.
* CHGHOST: /chghost nick host
Changes the hostname of a user currently on the IRC network.
* CHGIDENT: /chgident nick ident
Changes the ident of a user currently on the IRC network.
* CHGNAME: /chgname nick name
Changes the "IRC Name" (or "Real Name") of a user currently on the IRC network.
* CONNECT: /connect server port server
If only one server is given, it will attempt to connect the server you are ON to the given server. If 2 servers are given, it will attempt to connect the 2 servers together. Put the leaf server as the first, and the hub server as the second.
* DCCDENY /dccdeny filemask reason
Adds a DCCDENY for that filemask. Preventing that file from being sent. To remove a deny use /undccdeny filemask
* DIE: /die password
Kills the irc daemon, disconnecting all users currently on that server.
* GETINFO: /getinfo user/channel/server
Used on channels, users, or servers to get a dump of their aClient struct.
* GLINE: /gline user@host time to ban reason or /GLINE nick time to ban reason
"Bans" a hostmask from connection to the IRC server. Time to ban is either: a) a value in seconds, b) a time value, like '1d' is 1 day or c) '0' for permanent. Time and reason are optional, if unspecified set::default-bantime (default: 0/permanent) and 'no reason' are used. To remove a gline use /gline -user@host
* GZLINE: /gzline user@host time to ban reason or /GZLINE nick time to ban reason
Adds a global zline. Time to ban is either: a) a value in seconds, b) a time value, like '1d' is 1 day or c) '0' for permanent. Time and reason are optional, if unspecified set::default-bantime (default: 0/permanent) and 'no reason' are used. To remove a gzline use /gzline -user@host
* GLOBOPS: /globops message
Sends a global "message" to all IRCOps. Only viewable by IRCOps (unlike WallOps, which can be viewed by normal users).
* HOSTSERV: Allows the setting up of vHosts. NOTE: vHosts are only to be given out to VERY SPECIAL VIPs and are to be used VERY sparingly. Under no circumstances should vhosts using .mil, .gov, or any other official domains be assigned. Over use or abuse of the vhost system will result in removal of your oline and all vhosts set.
o DEL: /msg hostserv del nick
Deletes the vhost assigned to the given nick from the database.
o DELALL: /msg hostserv del nick
Deletes the vhost for all nick's in the same group as that of the given nick.
o LIST: /msg hostserv list key
This command lists registered vhosts to the operator if a Key is specified, only entries whos nick or vhost match the pattern given in key are displayed. e.g. Rob* for all entries beginning with "Rob" If a X-Y style is used, only entries between the range of X and Y will be displayed, e.g. 1-3 will display the first 3 nick/vhost entries.
o SET: /msg hostserv set nick hostmask
Sets the vhost for the given nick to that of the given.
o SETALL /msg hostserv setall nick hostmask
HostServ- of the given nick. * NOTE, this will not update the vhost for any nick's added to the group after this command was used.
* HTM: /htm option
Controls settings related to high traffic mode. High Traffic Mode (HTM) basically disables certain user commands such as: list whois who etc in response to extremely high traffic on the server. Options include:
o ON = Forces server into HTM
o OFF = Forces server out of HTM
o NOISY = Sets the server to notify users/admins when it goes in and out of HTM
o QUIET = Sets the server to NOT notify when going in and out of HTM
o TO value = Tell HTM at what incoming rate to activate HTM
* KILL: /kill user reason
Forcefully disconnects a user from an IRC Sever.
* KLINE: /kline user@host time to ban reason or /KLINE nick time to ban reason
Bans the hostmask from the server it is issued on. A kline is not a global ban. Time to ban is either: a) a value in seconds, b) a time value, like '1d' is 1 day or c) '0' for permanent. Time and reason are optional, if unspecified set::default-bantime (default: 0/permanent) and 'no reason' are used. To remove a kline use /kline -user@host
* LAG: /lag server
This command is like a Sonar or Traceroute for IRC server. You type in /LAG irc.fyremoon.net and it will reply from every server it passes with time and so on. Useful for looking where lag is and optional TS future/past travels.
* LOCOPS: /locops message
Similar to GLOBOPS, except only received by those IRCOps local to your server.
* MODULE: /module server
Lists all modules loaded.
* NACHAT: /nachat message
Sends a message to all Net Admins.
* OPER: /oper userid password
Command to give a user operator status if they match an Oper Block
* OPERMOTD: /opermotd
Displays the servers oper message of the day.
* REHASH: /restart server flags
Rehashes the servers config file. Including a server name allows you to rehash a remote servers config file. Several flags are also available. They Include
o -motd - Only rehash all MOTD and RULES files (including tld {})
o -opermotd - Only rehash the OPERMOTD file
o -botmotd - Only rehash the BOTMOTD file
o -garbage - Force garbage collection
* RESTART: /rehash server password
Kills and restarts the IRCD Process, disconnecting all users currently on that server. Password is required. You may also include a server name to restart a remote server.
* RPING /rping server
This will calculate the Lag (In milliseconds) between servers.
* SETHOST: /sethost new host
Lets an IRCOp change their own vhost to what ever they want it to be.
* SETIDENT: /setident new ident
Lets an IRCOp change their own ident to what ever they want it to be.
* SHUN: /shun user@host time to ban reason or /SHUN nick time to ban reason
Prevents a user from executing ANY commands and prevents them from speaking. Shuns are global (like glines). Time to ban is either: a) a value in seconds, b) a time value, like '1d' is 1 day or c) '0' for permanent. Time and reason are optional, if unspecified set::default-bantime (default: 0/permanent) and 'no reason' are used. To remove a shun use /shun -user@host
* SPAMFILTER: This command adds/removes global spam filters. Spamfilters can be used to get rid of spam, advertising, bots, etc.
o ADD: /spamfilter add type action tkltime reason regex
Adds the given nick or usermask to the Auto Kick list. If a reason is given with the command, that reason will be used when the user is kicked; if not, the default reason is "You have been banned from the channel".
o DEL: /spamfilter del type action tkltime reason regex
Permanently bans the given mask on the channel. If someone tries to remove the ban, ChanServ will automatically set it again. You can't use it for registered nicks.
o REMOVE: /spamfilter remove type action tkltime reason regex
Cancels the effect of the AKICK STICK command, so you'll be able to unset the ban again on the channel.
o +: /spamfilter + type action tkltime reason regex
Removes the given nick or mask from the Auto Kick list. It does not, however, remove any bans placed by an Auto Kick; those must be removed manually.
o -: /spamfilter - type action tkltime reason regex
Displays the Auto Kick list, or optionally only those Auto Kick entries which match the given mask.
[type] specifies the target type, you can specify multiple targets.
o c = channel msg
o p = private msg
o n = private notice
o N = channel notice
o P = part msg
o q = quit msg
o d = dcc
[action] specifies the action to be taken (only 1 action can be specified).
o kill
o tempshun (only shun current session)
o shun
o kline
o gline
o zline
o gzline
o block (blocks the msg)
o dccblock (unable to send any dccs)
o viruschan (part all channels and join the virus help chan).
[regex] this is the actual regex where we should block on.
[tkltime] the duration of the *LINEs placed by action (use - to use the default set::spamfilter::ban-time, this value is ignored for block/tempshun).
[reason] the reason for the *LINE or blockmsg, CANNOT CONTAIN SPACES _ will be translated to spaces. Again, if you use - for this the default (set::spamfilter::ban-reason) is used.
A few examples:
o /spamfilter add p block - - Come watch me on my webcam
o /spamfilter add p block - Possible_virus_detected,_join_#help Come watch me on my webcam
o /spamfilter add p tempshun - - You_are_infected me\.mpg
o /spamfilter add p gline - - Come watch me on my webcam
o /spamfilter add p gline 3h Please_go_to_www.viruscan.xx/nicepage/virus=blah Come watch me on my webcam
o /spamfilter add p kill - Please_go_to_www.viruscan.xx/nicepage/virus=blah Come watch me on my webcam
o /spamfilter del p block - - Come watch me on my webcam*
o /spamfilter add cN gzline 1d No_advertising_please come to irc\..+\..+
* STATS: /STATS letter
Provides certain statistical information about the server (for example, u will provide uptime information).
Stat Flags:
o b = badword = Lists the badwords list
o B = banversion = Lists the ban versions
o C = link = Lists the link blocks (C/N:Lines, Servers to connect or accept connects from)
o D = denylinkall = Lists the current deny link (all) block list (D:Lines, Disallow Lines-Oper & Server Orig Connects)
o d = denylinkauto = Lists the current deny link (auto) block list (d:Lines, Disallow Lines-Autoconnects)
o e = exceptban = Lists the current except ban block list (e:Lines, Proxy scan exempt IPs)
o E = exceptthrottle = Lists the current except throttle block list (E:Lines, K:Line Exceptions)
o F = denydcc = Lists the current deny dcc block list
o f = spamfilter = Lists the current spamfilter list
o G = gline = Lists all the current G:Lines (Banned hosts)
Extended flags: [+/-mrs] [mask] [reason] [setby]
+ m = Return glines matching/not matching the specified mask
+ r = Return glines with a reason matching/not matching the specified reason
+ s = Return glines set by/not set by clients matching the specified name
o H = Lists all the current H:Lines (Hub Lines) & L:Lines (Leaf Lines)
o I = allow = Lists the current the allow block list (I:Lines, Client auth Lines)
o j = officialchans = Send the official channels list
o K = kline = Lists the current the ban user/ban ip/except ban block list (K:Lines, Z:Lines, E:Lines, Banned hosts/IP)
o l = linkinfo = Send link information
o L = linkinfoall = Information about current server connections
o M = command = Send list of how many times each command was used
o m = Gives the Server command list
o n = banrealname = Lists the current the ban realname block list
o N = Lists the Network Configuration report
o O = oper = Lists the current oper block list (O:Lines, IRC Operator Lines)
o P = port = Send information about ports
o Q = bannick = Lists the current ban nick block list (Q:Lines, Forbidden Nicks)
o q = sqline = Lists the SQLINEed Nicks
o r = chanrestrict = Lists the channel deny/allow block list
o R = usage = Send usage information
o S = set = Send the set block list
o s = shun = Send the shun list
Extended flags: [+/-mrs] [mask] [reason] [setby]
+ m Return shuns matching/not matching the specified mask
+ r Return shuns with a reason matching/not matching the specified reason
+ s Return shuns set by/not set by clients matching the specified name
o t = tld = Send the tld block list
o T = traffic = Send traffic information
o U = uline = Lists the current ulines block list (U:Lines, Usually Services)
o u = uptime = The server uptime and connection count
o v = denyver = Lists the current deny version block list (V:Lines, Version Deny)
o V = vhost = Send the vhost block list
o W = Gives the current Server Load
o X = notlink = List of servers that are not current linked
o Y = class = Lists the current class block list (Y:Lines, Connection classes)
o Z = mem = Send memory usage information
o z = zip = Send compression information about ziplinked servers (if compiled with ziplinks support)
* SQUIT: /squit server
Disconnects a server from the network.
* TEMPSHUN /tempshun +nick reason
Temporary shuns are shuns added on a specified target for the current session only, this means if the user reconnects the shun will be gone. To remove a tempshun use: /tempshun -nick
* TRACE: /trace server or /trace nick
When used on a user it will give you class and lag info. If you use it on a server it gives you class/version/link info.
* UNGLINE: /ungline hostmask
Removes a g:line from the server.
* UNZLINE: /unzline ip
Removes a currently active z:Line.
* WALLOPS: /wallops message
Sends a "message" to all those with the umode +w. Only IRCOps can send wallops, while anyone can view them.
* ZLINE: /zline *@ip time to ban reason or /ZLINE nick time to ban reason
Bans an IP Address from the local server it is issued on (not global). See kline for more syntax info. Time to ban is either: a) a value in seconds, b) a time value, like '1d' is 1 day or c) '0' for permanent. Time and reason are optional, if unspecified set::default-bantime (default: 0/permanent) and 'no reason' are used. To remove a zline use /zline -*@ip