Internet Relay Chat

Monday, October 20, 2008

How to use psybnc on Mirc

>> Type: /server-m your.ip:yourport and press enter. You should know the server you're on, and you specified the port earlier in the psyBNC graphical user interface.

>> psyBNC will now ask you for the password that you input earlier, type it in and press enter.

>> If all goes well, a private message from psyBNC should popup warning you to move salt.h to somewhere safe; ignore this for now. It should also tell you that you have no new messages.

>> If you wait for a few seconds, psyBNC will tell you that you have no server associated with your username. So now we'll setup a server.

>> In the private message window from psyBNC, type: ADDSERVER (or another port if your server uses different).

>> Wait for a few seconds, and psyBNC will connect to that server, as seen in your status window. You can now join channels like you would in a normal IRC client.

>> So now you want to leave IRC, but leave your BNC going; what do you do? Simply close your IRC client!

>> Now you want to return to IRC, so what do you do? Open your IRC client, type: /server -m your.ip:yourport and press enter.

>> psyBNC will ask you for your password, so put that in.

>> psyBNC will now reconnect you to the server, and open up all the channels you were in. So now you're thinking, "Great! But what if someone sent me a private message while I was offline?". psyBNC will send you a private message telling you that you have new messages, and will also tell you how to retrieve them.

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