Internet Relay Chat

Monday, October 20, 2008

How to use psybnc on Mirc

>> Type: /server-m your.ip:yourport and press enter. You should know the server you're on, and you specified the port earlier in the psyBNC graphical user interface.

>> psyBNC will now ask you for the password that you input earlier, type it in and press enter.

>> If all goes well, a private message from psyBNC should popup warning you to move salt.h to somewhere safe; ignore this for now. It should also tell you that you have no new messages.

>> If you wait for a few seconds, psyBNC will tell you that you have no server associated with your username. So now we'll setup a server.

>> In the private message window from psyBNC, type: ADDSERVER (or another port if your server uses different).

>> Wait for a few seconds, and psyBNC will connect to that server, as seen in your status window. You can now join channels like you would in a normal IRC client.

>> So now you want to leave IRC, but leave your BNC going; what do you do? Simply close your IRC client!

>> Now you want to return to IRC, so what do you do? Open your IRC client, type: /server -m your.ip:yourport and press enter.

>> psyBNC will ask you for your password, so put that in.

>> psyBNC will now reconnect you to the server, and open up all the channels you were in. So now you're thinking, "Great! But what if someone sent me a private message while I was offline?". psyBNC will send you a private message telling you that you have new messages, and will also tell you how to retrieve them.

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Monday, July 30, 2007

How to reset psybnc password via shell?

To reset password of your psybnc follow the steps mentioned below:

1) login to your shell
2) type cd psybnc
3) type pico psybnc.conf
4) Now you have to edit link "USER1.USER.PASS==`L'`0Q`@0l'q`f`q`n"
e.g USER1.USER.PASS=yourpassword
5) press ctrl and x key together to exit and save edited part.

Hope this helps you :)

Friday, July 20, 2007

How to add Gseen and Stats Modules?

What is a module?

Modules are pieces of code programmed in C and can provide extra functions for your eggdrops, stats, seen, functions etc. Your eggdrop will come with some preinstalled modules that you will be able to see in the config are loaded by the command loadmodule ModuleName. Modules will generally run quicker then tcl scripts as they are already compiled but they are harder to install as your bot will most likely need to be recompiled for each module, wheras you can load a tcl on the fly and just rehash/restart the bot.

How to load a module?We assume that you have already downloaded the source for your eggdrop (eggdrop1.6.17.tar.gz etc..) and unzipped it on your shell. If not do this before you continue

tar -zxvf eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz

Download a module - one from below or another from the internet.

Stats Module -

Gseen Module -

Use wget from your shell url or an ftp client like FileZilla to upload these files to your shell.

For the purpose of this help snippet we will concentrate mainly on the stats module and assume your eggdrop source directory is eggdrop1.6.18

Upload or move your module stats.mod.1.3.3.dev1.tar.gz /gseen.mod.1.1.1.dev3.tar.gz to the directory ~/eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/ in your shell.

Move to the directory eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/ on your shell and unzip the stats module.

tar -zxvf stats.mod.1.3.3.dev1.tar.gz (tar -zxvf gseen.mod.1.1.0.tar.gz)

Move back to the eggdrop1.6.18 and compile your bot as usual:


make iconfig


make install

Important: With the stats module you must remember to copy the language files from ~/eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/stats.mod/ to ~/eggdrop/language/ !

Go to :
cd /eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/stats.mod/
cp stats.conf /home/yourshellusername/eggdrop/
cp stats.lang /home/yourshellusername/eggdrop/language/

Important: With the stats module you must remember to copy the language files from ~/eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/gseen.mod/ to ~/eggdrop/language/ !

Go to:
cd /eggdrop1.6.18/src/mod/gseen.mod/
cp gseen.conf /home/yourshellusername/eggdrop/
cp /home/yourshellusername/eggdrop/language/
cp gseen.en.lang /home/yourshellusername/eggdrop/language/

This completes the installation of a new module.

You now need to add a line to your eggdrop.conf

source stats.conf
source gseen.conf

Following these measures you can start your bot ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf

You should also note that not all modules come with a .conf file and therefore you will need to load the module from your eggdrop.conf file by including the following line. Both stats and gseen have this line in their respective stats.conf and gseen.conf file which you will have loaded.

loadmodule ModuleName

All the best.

DCC commands for eggdrop bot

Here You can find all the dcc commands for eggdrop bot.

Admin commands for BNC

This command will list the login time, nick, and the File descripter number for all current fully logged on users. (meaning the user has to of used the CONN command and be on IRC.)

This command will kill the user who's FD matches the argument.

This command is not fully functional, but will kill all users and end the daemons running process.

This command is more friend version of DIE.

Experimental inter-bnc chat.

User commands for BNC

Some clients such as mIRC allow you to type /server servername password This is a feature that allows you to autoconnect to a real server without using CONN inside the pass command.

CONN [server address] [port] [pass]
This will initialize a connection to the real irc server and begin the two-way communication between you and the real irc server, ending the bnc command session.

Turns on the keepalive function, instead of killing your connection when irc dies it resumes to BNC server mode.

VIP [new virtual host]
Issuing VIP alone will list all the V lines included in the configuration file. These lines are not required to use an address and are only there for reference.VIP with an argument will change the address that BNC will attempt to connect to irc with.

Issuing this command will restore the vhost to the address specified on the X line of the connfiguration file, or if that line is absent, restore it to the system default.

This command will change the vhost to the system default, bypassing the X line of that configuration file.

MAIN [Supervisor password]
Sucessful usage of this command will allow one to use the Admin level commands

List of Psybnc commands.

BWHO - Lists all Users on the Bouncer
PASSWORD - Sets your or another Users Password(Admin)
BVHOST - Sets your vhost to connect thru
PROXY - Sets your proxy to connect thru
SETUSERNAME - Sets your User Name
SETAWAY - Sets your away-Text when you leave
SETLEAVEMSG - Sets your Leave-MSG when you leave
LEAVEQUIT - If set to 1, parts all channels on quit
SETAWAYNICK - Sets your nick when you are offline
JUMP - Jumps to the next IRC-Server
BQUIT - Quits your current Server Connection
BCONNECT - Reconnects a bquitted Connection
AIDLE - Enables/Disables Antiidle
AUTOREJOIN - Enables/Disables Auto-Rejoin
ADDSERVER - Adds an IRC-Server to your Serverlist
DELSERVER - Deletes an IRC-Server by number
LISTSERVERS - Lists all IRC-Servers added
ADDNETWORK - Adds a seperate Network to your client
DELNETWORK - Deletes a Network from your client
SWITCHNET - Switches to a given Network
ADDOP - Adds a User who may get Op from you
DELOP - Deletes an added User who got Op
LISTOPS - Lists all added Ops
ADDAUTOOP - Adds a User who gets Auto-Op from you
DELAUTOOP - Deletes an added User who got Op
LISTAUTOOPS - Lists all added Auto-Ops
ADDBAN - Adds a ban (global or to a channel)
DELBAN - Deletes a ban by Number
LISTBANS - Lists all bans
ADDASK - Adds a host/bot to ask Op from
DELASK - Deletes a host/bot to ask Op by Number
LISTASK - Lists the hosts/bots to ask Op from
ADDIGNORE - Adds a hostmask/contentfilter to the ignores
DELIGNORE - Deletes a hostmask/contentfilter from the ignores
LISTIGNORES - Lists the currently added ignores
PLAYPRIVATELOG - Plays your Message Log
ERASEPRIVATELOG - Erases your Message Log
ADDLOG - Adds a Log source / filter
DELLOG - Deletes a Log source by number
LISTLOGS - Lists all added Log sources/filters
PLAYTRAFFICLOG - Plays the Traffic Log
ERASETRAFFICLOG - Erases the Traffic Log
ENCRYPT - Encrypts talk to a given channel/user
DELENCRYPT - Deletes an encryption entry by number
LISTENCRYPT - Shows a List of encrypted talks
* BREHASH - Rehashes the proxy and resets all Connections
* MADMIN - Gives a User an Admin flag
* UNADMIN - Removes the Admin flag from a User
* BKILL - Kills a User from the proxy
* SOCKSTAT - Shows/Logs the current Connections
* ADDUSER - Adds a new User to the Bouncer
* DELUSER - Deletes a User from the Bouncer
* NAMEBOUNCER - Names your bouncer (needed for linking)
* LINKTO - Adds a bouncer Link to the Host/Port
* LINKFROM - Adds a bouncer Link from your Bouncer
* RELAYLINK - Allows or disables a relayable Link
* DELLINK - Deletes a Link to a bouncer
LISTLINKS - Lists all Links to/from the Bouncer
* RELINK - Resets a link to a bouncer by number
* PLAYMAINLOG - Plays the Connection Log
* ERASEMAINLOG - Erases the Connection Log
* ADDALLOW - Adds a host allow to connect
* DELALLOW - Deletes a host allow
* LISTALLOW - Lists the host allows on your proxy
SRELOAD - Reloads the Script for the User
LISTTASKS - Lists the current running tasks
* SETLANG - Sets the language (global)
BHELP - Lists this help or help on a topic
BHELP Use /QUOTE bhelp for details.